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AtStart( )

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This function returns the result of an MCL expression at a particular start of the horse. The 2nd argument of the function requires a Start ID.






The data type of the return value is identical to that returned by eMCLExpr.



Create a column "FastestStartID" as follows:

HrMinStartID('HrTime( )',,'For HrDistance( )='+Str(HrDistance( )))

The column returns the ID of the start, among all starts of distance same as the current race, at which the MCL expression HrTime( ) is a minimum. The returned value may be something like: "1W820015".

Then, you may get the weight, rating, and FP of the horse of that start by putting the following functions in subsequent columns as follows:

AtStart('HrWeight( )',Column('FastestStartID'))

AtStart('HrRating( )',Column('FastestStartID'))

AtStart('HrFP( )',Column('FastestStartID'))



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